Wednesday, October 6, 2010

AndGuard Help Documentation

AndGuard is a Host-Blocking App for Root Users Only.

What Does AndGuard Do?

AndGuard uses carefully crafted, regularly updated blocklists to prevent your phone from connecting to potentially dangerous hosts.

* AndGuard is more than just an effective ad-blocker... it provides an extra layer of security to your mobile platform, helping prevent the loading of spyware, malware, data tracking etc...

* With AndGuard you can easily switch between various levels of protection.

* In addition, by blocking these hosts, AndGuard often speeds up the loading of webpages.

***It is Important to Remember that No Host-Blocking Solution can block 100% of the Ads and Malicious Content Found on the Web... Please Use Common Sense and Browse Cautiously***

Which Level of Protection Should I Use?

The answer to this question depends heavily on your internet usage and needs.

* Level 1 is the smallest blocklist and focuses entirely on ad blocking.

* Level 2 contains the ad blocking list plus additional blocking of known dangerous hosts, this level of protection focuses on the blocking of ads, spyware, malware and some data tracking. This level is recommended for most users.

* Level 3 is the largest blocklist and therefore provides the most complete level of protection... however this list may prevent certain commonly used websites from loading properly. This level is recommended for more paranoid users.

***It is Highly Recommended that you REBOOT your device after making any changes to AndGuard***

Thanks for using AndGuard!

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